Monday, March 05, 2007

OC Special Election UPDATE: I Get No Supervisor Until the End of the Month

This just in from Total Buzz:

I've been checking votes this afternoon and I've already got two no's on swearing in Janet Nguyen tomorrow as the First District supe. Both Bill Campbell and John Moorlach said they will respect what Judge Michael Brenner said this morning and hold off on declaring a winner. [...]

But even if it's a 2-2 vote on seating Janet, the motion fails and she won't be sworn in tomorrow. Both Campbell and Moorlach said they will wait until after the trial is concluded, which should be Friday, March 23. So there may not be a supe-declared First Distrct winner until Tuesday, March 27.

So it looks like I will still have no one representing me at the county level until the end of the month. I have no one to talk to about the state of my neighborhood, no one to talk to about county services, and no one to talk to about stopping the other Supes from moving county operations to Irvine. Thanks for nothing, Darth Schroeder.

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