Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Now for National News: Rumsfeld Finally Resigns, and Dems Look to Take Both Houses of Congress

Yes! Finally, a change of leadership at the Pentagon... Perhaps the White House finally got the message last night? The Washington Post has more on this... If confirmed by the Senate, it looks like ex-CIA Director Robert Gates will be the new Defense Secretary... Thank goodness Bush didn't choose Lieberman! : )

Also, NBC News is now projecting that Jon Tester will be the next Senator from Montana... YES! Montana Dems rock!

Now according to MSNBC, we've got 234 seats in the House and 50 in the Senate...
We're just waiting on Virginia, but I'm confident that we've won that one as well. ; )

"The Reagan Revolution" is now officially over... "The Progressive Revolution" is just beginning!

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