Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Latino Voter Suppression in Orange County SD-34

This is happening in my home district... I know I shouldn't be shocked, but I am!
LA Times story: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-scare17oct17,0,6121284.story?coll=la-home-headlines

My friend Claudio's story on local blog, Orange Juice: http://o-juice.blogspot.com/2006/10/latino-voter-intimidation-in-34th.html

Supposedly, the California Coalitiion for Immigration Reform, a known hate group headed by known racists, has apparently sent a letter to Latino voters in MY STATE SENATE DISTRICT that has threatened "illegal aliens who vote" with arrests... And possible deportation! Here's a sample of the letter:
"You are advised that if your residence in this country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time..." And remember: This was sent to US CITIZENS, who also happened to be REGISTERED VOTERS!
This is a clear attempt to scare Latinos into staying at home next month. Apparently Lynn Daucher, the Republican candidate for State Senate in my district, and her campaign were not involved in this. Also, the CCIR itself is claiming that it had no part in this mailing. Apparently the letter was on CCIR letterhead, and signed off by someone named Sergio Ramirez. California Attorney General Bill Lockyer is now investigating this illegal campaign trick.

This is clearly another sign that the local OC right-wing establishment is still trying to suppress the Latino Democratic vote. You see, Orange County right-wingers have a history of In 1988, the OC Republicans paid for security guards to stand near the polling places and intimidate Latinos. In 1996, then-Congressman "B-1" Bob Dornan cried "fraud" when he lost reelection to Democrat Loretta Sanchez. In 2005, the OC Republicans began a paid canvassing effort that paid these folks $13 a head to get new Republican voters... Apparently, several hundred of them were ILLEGALLY SWITCHED! And now, we have to deal with this letter!

This letter is clearly another illegal GOP tactic to suppress our base. They're trying to win my Senate District back after being beaten by progressive Democrat Joe Dunn TWICE (in 1998, and again in 2002)... Also, they're ultimately trying to regain enough momentum in Central OC to knock off Democrat Loretta Sanchez from Congress... Yes, THAT LORETTA SANCHEZ that beat B-1 Bob ten years ago! They know that they can't win my area fair and square, so they have to resort to dirty tricks in order to make inroads here.

If you know anyone in Central Orange County who has recieved this letter, REPORT IT TO THE AUTHORITIES! This just might be a new low in GOP dirty tricks.

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