Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Surreal Politics of Orange County: Fun & Games with the OC GOP!!

Here are some wild and wonderful stories from behind the Orange Curtain, and direct from our friends at the Orange County GOP, that will make you laugh, cry, and scratch your head in total disbelief:

- What the dealio with AD 69? My friend, and former OC GOP Central Committee member, Art Pedroza has all the scoop on what sounds like a real fiasco in Central OC for the Republicans.

- Meet the Godfather. Who ever knew that "Godfather" Mike Schroeder would allow Don Daucher, husband of former (moderate GOPer) Assemblymember Lynn Daucher, to make nice with him. I guess Trung Nguyen really is bringing everyone together...

- And speaking of Mr. Photoshop... The California Republican Lawyers' Association has agreed to help Trung Nguyen in the recount. And why? Because “Ms. [Janet] Nguyen claims to be a Republican, and we found it puzzling she has involved so many Democrat Attorneys.” 'Cuz ya know, them Democrat Attorneys like to make sure that elections ain't stolen, and they care about the law...
And it ain't that much fun to win an election legally... hehe ; )

- Intrigue in Irvine. Martin Wisckol reveals in today's OC Register who was REALLY behind the nastiest political mailers in Irvine history. Wow, wouldn't Honest Abe be proud of what The Lincoln Club is doing in his name? Dan has more at The Liberal OC.

And finally...

- DeVore's Smokin'!! OK, maybe not... But our favorite Irvine Assemblymember is teaming up with Mark Leno (??!!) to reintroduce legislation that would legalize industrial hemp. As DeVore says in a recent interview with the ABC affiliate in SF, "It's absolutely criminal that American farmers, the most productive and efficient farmers on the planet, cannot be allowed to grow a naturally occurring plant, that grows wild in America." Wow, I actually agree with DeVore on something...

Now ain't THAT SURREAL, or what??!! ; )

(Cross-posted at Calitics)

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