Thursday, February 22, 2007

OC Special Election UPDATE: It's a TIE!!

This just in from Total Buzz:

Just got back from the Registrar of Voters office...Janet Nguyen has pulled even with Trung Nguyen on Day Three of the recount of the First District supes race.

And oh yes, this is from Trung Nguyen's campaign team. No word yet from Team Janet on what their count looks like. But still, I have a feeling that they will also say that Janet picked up about four votes today.

And in other OC Recount news today, the recount will probably not be finished until Monday. Jubal is reporting at OC Blog that the final disputed ballot resolution has been postponed until 9:00 AM Monday. Stay tuned for more on the never-ending drama that is the OC Special Election and the ongoing recount. : )

(Cross-posted at Calitics)

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