Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Get Ready, OC! Hillary's Coming to Town!

This just in from Total Buzz:

Yes, a lot of Republicans in OC ... but there are a lot of wealthy Democrats too. If you're one of them, you might be interested in Hillary Clinton's March 3 fundraising luncheon in Laguna Beach. $2,000 a head. For reservations, call 310-740-6866.

OK, so we have a whole lot of fabulously wealthy conservative Newporters. But hey, we also have plenty of fabulously wealthy liberal Lagunatics! And yes, it looks like Hillary Clinton is coming over to take their money. So far, this is the first OC appearance by any of the 2008 Democratic candidates since they all announced...

And this happens to be on my birthday, too! I don't know if it means anything, since I probably won't even be there, but whatever. ; )

(Cross-posted at Calitics)

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