Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Surreal Politics of Orange County: What's an "Independent Democrat"?

Santa Ana Council member Carlos Bustamante seems to be having trouble in his run for OC Supervisor. Apparently, he's afraid to admit to his own constituents in Santa Ana that he's really a Republican. Well, perhaps he has reason to be afraid, considering that his geographic base isn't all that conservative.

So if one's a Republican seeking support in a Democratic city for local office, what can one do? Well, I guess that person can PRETEND TO BE A DEMOCRAT! Here's the mailer that Bustamante has been sending to my fellow Santa Ana Democrats, courtesy of The Liberal OC:

Well, I can understand why Carlos wouldn't want Latino voters to know that he's been cozying up to anti-immigrant Minutemen extremists. But does he really think that we're this stupid? My friend Claudio Gallegos (of Orange Juice) thinks that Bustamante has now realized that he can't win by being openly right-wing, though I still think he hasn't done a very good job of hiding his past pandering to wingnuts.

On the back are quotes from Bustamante supporters, including failed [Republican] politician Mark Leyes. One would think it might be an IE [independent expenditure]. In fact it was paid for by the Bustamante campaign, clearly trying to mislead Democratic voters into thinking he is a Democrat. Whats the matter Carlos, you realize you cannot win under the Republican label in Santa Ana? Are you ashamed to admit you are a Republican? Don’t worry, after the thumping they got last November, I am sure there are plenty of people embarassed [sic] to say they are Republicans.

Oh, and don't think that the Orange County Democrats are staying silent about this...
They have already mailed out this handy-dandy reminder of Bustamante's pandering to right-wing extremists. I found this in my mailbox the other day:

Ya know, if Bustamante really thinks that his "Independent Democrat" kabuki theater helps him, then he's got serious problems. I've spoken with a few Republicans in my area, and they've told me that they are so mad at him for his sleazy acts on the city council and his constant record of looking out for no one but himself, that they are willing to do almost anything to take him down...
Even if it means making it easier for Tom Umberg to win this Supervisor's race...

And I can see why. With a friend (and candidate) like Carlos Bustamante, the Republicans don't need enemies to strike them down! Oh wait, that's right...
Carlos is now an "Independent Democrat"...

; )

(This is cross-posted at Calitics.)

(For more great coverage of Orange County politics, please visit my friends at Orange Juice and The Liberal OC!)

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