Friday, December 08, 2006

To Impeach or Not to Impeach? That Is the Question!

This has been a tough personal battle for me. This President has committed so many crimes, so many high crimes and misdemeanors, so many crimes against humanity...
But what happens if we begin impeachment prcedures? What happens when we begin to focus solely on impeachment, dedicating all or time, all our energy, and all our other resources on the trial... And we ignore everything else? What about keeping an eye on what Bush will be doing over the next two years? What about getting some good legislation passed? What about getting out of Iraq?

Oversight, we can do.
Impeachment, just ain't gonna happen...
No matter how much we want it...
No matter how much Bush deserves it...
Now, can we get back to talking about constructive things we can do in 2007?

But I'd just like to politely remind you about the reality of this situation:

1. We don't have the votes to convict. We have a fairly good-sized majority, but not an insurmountable one either...
And we just BARELY hold the Senate...
How can we even expect all the Senate Dems to vote to convict, let alone convince another 16 GOPers to vote to convict?

2. This will suck time away from other meaningful legislation... Whether or not Bush decides to cooperate, WE AS DEMOCRATS need to prove to the American people that we intend to get to work and come up with practical solution to the tough issues that we are facing today.

3. If we spend all our time trying to impeach Bush, and accomplish nothing but failed votes, the GOPers will likely use this as their "reasoning" to the American people in 2008 as why the GOPers should keep the White House, and take back Congress.
They'll say that we're the ones playing "partisan politics"... Yes, I know it's unfair considering the nasty "politics of personal destruction" that they play, but that's what will happen.

Now what would you rather have:
A Democratic President and Democratic Congress working to clean up Bush's mess in 2009...
Or a "Republican Resurgence" that leads to more illegal and immoral wars, and even more destruction to our democracy?

That's why we need to focus on things that the American people want done:

1. Work out a plan to get out of Iraq.
2. Work on solutions to global warming.
3. Work on making health care more affordable.
4. Work on balancing the budget.
And of course, there's so much more!

While we progressive activists see impeaching Bush as a matter of justice, most Americans don't...
Whether we like it or not, they just see it as "partisan politics". If we want to start cleaning house now, and fix the broken White House in 2009, then we need to earn the trust of the American people...
And while we may not like this fact, trying to impeach Bush won't accomplish that!

1 comment:

Jodin said...

Holiday Impeachment Cards...

Impeach for Peace has created holiday impeachment cards that allow your friends and family to initiate the impeachment process. Deck the halls of congress with colorful impeachment petitions! Now that Representative McKinney has introduced Articles of Impeachment to Congress, it's time for us to show the other Members of Congress our support. So, Impeach for Peace created the Holiday Impeachment image, and researched a company that will allow you to send jumbo sized postcards along with a personalized message using your web browser. To learn more about this method of inititiating impeachment, go to:

Soon, Santa will be delivering sacks and sacks of mail to Nancy Pelosi initiating impeachment via the House of Representative's own rules. This legal document is as binding as if a State or if the House itself passed the impeachment resolution (H.R. 635). What better gift to give this holiday season than the restoration of our democracy? Truly the gift that keeps on giving. Over this past year, Bush has become an even greater threat to our Constitution. Lucky for us, the rules of the US House of Representatives allow for individual citizens like you and I to initiate the impeachment process directly! This process was successfully used to impeach in the past.

Be a part of history and have a merry impeachment this season!