Tuesday, May 15, 2007

CA-47: Loretta Responds & Mr. Republican Insider Attacks

It's a classic "I'm just..." defense. In this case, Loretta claims she's "just" ensuring the completion of the 241 tollroad will comply with state law -- pointing to the nominal purpose of the amendment while refusing to admit to its real purpose. But that's a red herring.

The intent of the Davis amendment is obvious. Davis carried this amendment at the behest of the Surfrider Foundation. Surfrider doesn't want to ensure the 241 completion complies with state law -- they want to ensure it is never completed. Period. That's the purpose of the Davis amendment, and Sanchez is lying if she claims not to know that.

Tell us lies, Matt/Jubal. Keep telling us sweet little lies.

My fabulous Congresswoman actually took time to write a reasoned response to the crazed rant on The OC Register's editorial page against her vote to ensure that TCA obeys state law as they extend the 241 Toll Road, and this is how Red County/OC Blog treats her. How much more shameless and despicable can they get over there?

Follow me after the flip as I work my way through the right-wing distortions to get to the TRUTH of this matter...

Here's what Loretta Sanchez has to say for her own action:

I have not taken a position against the toll road [...] In fact, I have been supportive of other similar construction projects, such as the 73, which has been of benefit to county residents and was built with sensitivity to environmental concerns.

What concerns me is that the SR241 be constructed with the same care and attention as these other projects. As the law stands now, it permits the "recipient of the easement to construct, operate and maintain [the highway], notwithstanding any provision of state law to the contrary." If the Davis amendment is adopted it means that the impact on the environment will be fully reviewed, and labor will be paid according to prevailing wage law.

I have been told that those involved with the construction of SR241 have observed every state law that applies. If that is the case, then the Davis amendment will have no effect. There is a concern that future state laws will prevent construction of the road for one reason or the other. I share that concern. I remain vigilant so that Orange County can determine which roads are built in our community. Our democratic process will lead to the best solution.

There. Wasn't that simple. Here's an explanation of Loretta Sanchez's position on the toll road, directly from Loretta Sanchez.

Loretta supports extending the 241, along with me and many other progressives in Orange County. We just don't want state law to be violated, just so that TCA can build the road through an ecologically sensitive state park. If TCA's proposed route through San Onofre is truly as legal and environmentally sensitive as they claim it to be, then they should have no problem. However, we know that this road would destroy the great waves of Trestles, along with the habitat of SEVEN ENDANGERED SPECIES. Sorry, but I don't call that "environmentally sensitive", and I definitely don't see how this complies with state environmental laws. Maybe that's why TCA is so afraid of having to comply with the law.

There are other options for the toll road. How about extending the 241 to the 5/73 Interchange in Laguna Niguel, wher it would actually take people where they want to go? And again, how about a completely comprehensive strategy to relieve traffic in South Orange County? How about expanding commuter rail service here? How about better bus service? Light rail? More live/work communities?

That's all we're asking for here. Can TCA please comply with the law, and come up with a toll road extension that doesn't violate state law? And can OCTA work with TCA on developing a comprehensive plan to relieve South County traffic? We've had enough lies, distortions, and complete lunacy. It's time for some hard truth, and for some real solutions to Orange County traffic.

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