Thursday, February 01, 2007

Farewell, Commie Girl!

Commie Girl has left the building. Yes, Rebecca Schoenkopf, the great progressive columnist from OC Weekly resigned from the once-great alternative weekly that raged against the machine from behind the Orange Curtain.
Yes, she resigned just before the once-great alternative weekly's new corporatist owners at New Times/Village Voice Media were ready to let her go.

I found out about this earlier today from Robert Salladay's "blog"...
And I'll at least give him credit for this:

After 11 years on the job, O.C. Weekly political columnist/butt-kicker Rebecca Schoenkopf says she was told to leave her office last night and never come back. True, Commie Girl's dismissal came about an hour after she submitted her two-week notice, so it was her decision. "My car was in the shop, I didn't have a jacket, and it was raining. I waited in the parking lot for an evil friend from the DA's office to pick me up," Schoenkopf reports.

Commie Girl was the one, the only, the original. Whether she was writing about Jerry Brown, or about voting for Bush (by voting for Nader in 2000), or about 9/11, or about The Recall, she was amazing! And her exit from OC Weekly was no less fabulous!

Well, perhaps the great Commie Girl herself can do a better job describing her own experience at OC Weekly:

We’ve had a lovely run. There was all that fun we had with the sheriff, and all the righteous rage we got to spill onto our smudged pages about all the nasty, spiteful perpetrations of the local (nasty, spiteful) GOP. There were the bars and underground parties and chichi art events, and I won that big-ass award. While the news boys were busting people out of prison or putting them in it, depending on the week, my greatest achievement remains getting the racist “jigaboo” painting removed from the women’s room in the Swallow’s Inn.

And there was you.

There was you calling me a Jew, and you calling me a slut, and you calling me a “selfish little wimp.” There was you, screaming into my voicemail, “Rebecca Schoenkopf, you are nothing but a terrorist, you fuckin’ cunt!” and there was you saying, in what remains the best letter ever to Commie Girl, “Stick to writing your crap, and stop thinking you are an expert in anything other than pathetic, self-centered, pompous dumbasses like yourself. You will be forever doomed to writing your self-involved little bullshit columns on toilet-paper rolls in your cat-feces-infested motel room long after OC Weekly finally wakes up and fires you.” Joke’s on you, Mary from Rancho Santa Margarita, because I just quit.

Now before I let you go, I'd like to share with you the comment I left for her at OC Weekly's blog. Here's what I said:

I’ll miss you, Commie Girl! You were one of the reasons why I was able to survive high school in Orange County. The only thing that I could EVER expect from your columns was the unexpected…
And boy, was that exciting!

I know this sounds really corny, but you’re my hero! You were a brilliantly irreverent blogger before there were even blogs, and you are still a great inspiration to me. Thanks for giving me a reason to care about what happens behind the Orange Curtain.

Oh yeah, and good luck on whatever you do next. Thanks a million, from your best gay admirer.

: )

(Cross-posted at my blog)

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