Basically, they're doing nothing.
Even Lynn Daucher, the Republican running against Correa, offered to split the expense with Correa's campaign in reimbursing the OC Registrar of Voters for mailing a letter to the over 14,000 targeted LEGAL VOTERS, reassuring them that they HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE in this election.
Even Patrick Kelly of the OC Teamsters offered that the Teamsters could chip in toward reimbursing the County for this letter.
Even Supervisor Bill Campbell seemed to agree to this proposal that the two SD 34 campaigns (and possibly the Teamsters as well) reimburse the County for mailing this letter to the targeted voters...
It looked like there could have been a "win-win" situation...
But Supervisors Norby and Wilson objected to any county involvement in this matter oter than the meaningless resolution...
Silva remained silent...
In the end, this compromise proposal was killed.
The Orange County Registrar of Voters, the agency which should be involved in correcting this disgustingly messy situation, will be resrained from doing anything regarding this case.
What a travesty.
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