Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Good Night
OK, so I guess I should at least try to sleep now. So good night. Sleep tight. And I'll talk with you all as soon as we see the morning light. : )
In Case You Missed It...
See this here...
And if you have any thoughts on the immigration fee hikes, let me know over there.
And if you have any thoughts on the immigration fee hikes, let me know over there.
After the Coffee
I was at Starbucks earlier this evening to meet some friends. OK, and while there, I had quite a bit of coffee. Now, I'm having a hard time sleeping. I guess that's my punishment for drinking so much coffee tonight. ; )
Now I'm Hungry...
And I'm thirsty. OK, I still feel great. It's just that all that aquatic therapy has worked up my appetite. Thank goodness I'm at my favorite pizza place in Huntington. I'm waiting for my giant calzone to come out of the oven. Mmmm, calzone!
OK, it's here. It's ready! Excuse me while I stuff my face. ; )
OK, it's here. It's ready! Excuse me while I stuff my face. ; )
What Is It About the Ocean...
That makes me feel better?
There's just something about it. Something therapeutic. Something that heals me. Something that soothes my spirit. There's just something about that magical Pacific that makes me feel better.
Well, whatever it is, I'm glad to have the privilege to experience it. : )
There's just something about it. Something therapeutic. Something that heals me. Something that soothes my spirit. There's just something about that magical Pacific that makes me feel better.
Well, whatever it is, I'm glad to have the privilege to experience it. : )
Happy Fun Beach Time
Nothing makes me feel better like that. And today, I got some. Ah, the sun. The surf. The sand. All of that makes me feel better, renewed, relaxed, recentered. I'm so relieved. : )
Where's the REAL Outrage?
Over here:
: )
: )
Monday, July 30, 2007
Can Barbara Boxer Convince Republicans to Recognize the Climate Crisis?
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)

And Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Absolutely Fabulous) is telling The Register that the trip to Greenland helped her in convincing at least two Republicans that action must be taken NOW to stop the coming climate catastrophe. Although neither Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) nor Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) have signed up as cosponsors of the Boxer-Sanders Bill to combat climate change, they are at least admitting now that we humans are causing this crisis, and that we need to do something about it. Unfortunately, they're not yet ready to commit to real action. But hey, at least they're willing to say now that they'd like to do something.
I don't see how any one can continue denying the scientific reality of climate change. I don't know how any one can continue denying the reality that rest of the world has come to accept. But for some reason, there are still quite a few Republicans on Capitol Hill that want to continue denying reality. I guess that's Senator Boxer's real challenge. She must continue convincing more Republicans that there is a real problem before she will have enough votes for some real legislation to take on climate change.
So can she do it? I think so. After all, the deniers can only hide from reality for so long. Eventually, everyone had to accept that the world is round. Eventually, everyone is coming to accept that all life on earth evolved over an intricate multi-billion year process (OK, so we're still working on that...). And eventually, everyone will need to accept the reality that we must do something to stop the coming climate catastrophe. Oh yes, and everyone will need to recognize this:
Yes, Senator Boxer. And so do your colleagues in Washington. And so do all the rest of us in this great nation.

"I believe that every senator on the trip came away believing that human activity causes warming."
And Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Absolutely Fabulous) is telling The Register that the trip to Greenland helped her in convincing at least two Republicans that action must be taken NOW to stop the coming climate catastrophe. Although neither Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) nor Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) have signed up as cosponsors of the Boxer-Sanders Bill to combat climate change, they are at least admitting now that we humans are causing this crisis, and that we need to do something about it. Unfortunately, they're not yet ready to commit to real action. But hey, at least they're willing to say now that they'd like to do something.
I don't see how any one can continue denying the scientific reality of climate change. I don't know how any one can continue denying the reality that rest of the world has come to accept. But for some reason, there are still quite a few Republicans on Capitol Hill that want to continue denying reality. I guess that's Senator Boxer's real challenge. She must continue convincing more Republicans that there is a real problem before she will have enough votes for some real legislation to take on climate change.
So can she do it? I think so. After all, the deniers can only hide from reality for so long. Eventually, everyone had to accept that the world is round. Eventually, everyone is coming to accept that all life on earth evolved over an intricate multi-billion year process (OK, so we're still working on that...). And eventually, everyone will need to accept the reality that we must do something to stop the coming climate catastrophe. Oh yes, and everyone will need to recognize this:
"I know I have a responsibility to move now to lessen the impacts of severe global warming."
Yes, Senator Boxer. And so do your colleagues in Washington. And so do all the rest of us in this great nation.
Dirty Gary Makes the "Triangle of Corruption"
(Cross-posted at Trash Dirty Gary)
Hot off the presses from the California Democratic Party, via The Liberal OC:
Hot off the presses from the California Democratic Party, via The Liberal OC:
http://www.cadem.org/TriangleOfCorruption takes aim at embattled trio of Reps. Lewis, Miller, Calvert
Sacramento – The California Democratic Party today unveiled its new website feature “Triangle of Corruption” to remind voters that unfortunately, in the three Southern California congressional districts of Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, and Ken Calvert, the GOP “Culture of Corruption” is alive and well.
The site features news coverage, commentary, blog items and additional information related to the three Southland Republicans, each of whom is under Federal investigation – Lewis, for his role in the Duke Cunningham bribery scandal; Miller, for several questionable land deals among other issues; and Calvert, also for his role in dubious land sales.
“Last November, voters across the United States resoundingly rejected the Republican Culture of Corruption,” said Senator Art Torres (Ret.), Chairman of the California Democratic Party. “Sadly, that message of reform seems to have gone in one ear and out the other of Representatives Lewis, Miller and Calvert. We’re here to make sure that the voice of the voters is heard loud and clear.”
The website will be continuously updated with new information and developments leading up to the 2008 congressional elections.
For more information, please visit http://www.cadem.org/TriangleOfCorruption.
Cowabunga! Enjoy My Pics from the OC Fair!
(Cross-posted at Obama OC and The Liberal OC)

OK, here it is! As I promised a while back, I have the pictures from the OC Fair up now! Enjoy these scenes of the fair. Enjoy the pics of our fantastic OC Democratic Party booth. Enjoy these little snippets of the fair.
And if you haven't been to the fair, GO THIS WEEK! Go see the pretty animals! See LeAnn Rimes and Fergie and Ozomatli LIVE in concert! See the sand animation master perform his magic right in front of you! And most importantly, see your local Democrats in action in the Orange County Building!
So won't YOU be going to the fair this week? Don't you want to have fun? Don't you want to see your local Democrats at work? OK, then. So go ahead and see more pics. Once you see them, you'll want to go. ;-)

OK, here it is! As I promised a while back, I have the pictures from the OC Fair up now! Enjoy these scenes of the fair. Enjoy the pics of our fantastic OC Democratic Party booth. Enjoy these little snippets of the fair.
And if you haven't been to the fair, GO THIS WEEK! Go see the pretty animals! See LeAnn Rimes and Fergie and Ozomatli LIVE in concert! See the sand animation master perform his magic right in front of you! And most importantly, see your local Democrats in action in the Orange County Building!
So won't YOU be going to the fair this week? Don't you want to have fun? Don't you want to see your local Democrats at work? OK, then. So go ahead and see more pics. Once you see them, you'll want to go. ;-)

Al Gore III Is Paying the Time for His Crime... When Will the Bushies Do the Same?
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)
I just looked at The Register, and noticed this. Al Gore III pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of prescription drugs and marijuana. He's just been sentenced to 90 days in at a residential rehab program in Malibu. If Al Gore III successfully completes the program, the conviction will be stricken from his record next year.
That's nice to see. OK, so he'll probably have it easy at rehab in Malibu. I'm sure it will be a lovely facility on well-manicured grounds filled with other fabulous celebrities who've also been caught with drugs. But you know what? At least Al Gore III has confessed to his crimes, and at least he's willing to do the time.
Our Great Leader Dubya won't even allow for Scooter Libby to serve any jail time for obstructing the investigation into who leaked covert CIA officer Valerie Wilson to conservative pundit Bob Novak. Congressional Republicans still don't want to investigate Alberto Gonzales and the many injustices that are still being committed in the "Justice" Department. Heck, there's still resistance to the thought of even a censure of Bush and Cheney for the many crimes they've committed against our Constitution and our nation. Why can't these folks be held accountable for all their crimes?
If Al Gore III can plead guilty for his drug possession and agree to go to rehab, then why can't the Bushies do the time for their crimes? Why can't justice actually be served more often? Ah, if only all the Bushies could be caught doing 100 miles per hour in a Prius on the 5 in Mission Viejo. Maybe then, we can finally see justice served.
I just looked at The Register, and noticed this. Al Gore III pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of prescription drugs and marijuana. He's just been sentenced to 90 days in at a residential rehab program in Malibu. If Al Gore III successfully completes the program, the conviction will be stricken from his record next year.
That's nice to see. OK, so he'll probably have it easy at rehab in Malibu. I'm sure it will be a lovely facility on well-manicured grounds filled with other fabulous celebrities who've also been caught with drugs. But you know what? At least Al Gore III has confessed to his crimes, and at least he's willing to do the time.
Our Great Leader Dubya won't even allow for Scooter Libby to serve any jail time for obstructing the investigation into who leaked covert CIA officer Valerie Wilson to conservative pundit Bob Novak. Congressional Republicans still don't want to investigate Alberto Gonzales and the many injustices that are still being committed in the "Justice" Department. Heck, there's still resistance to the thought of even a censure of Bush and Cheney for the many crimes they've committed against our Constitution and our nation. Why can't these folks be held accountable for all their crimes?
If Al Gore III can plead guilty for his drug possession and agree to go to rehab, then why can't the Bushies do the time for their crimes? Why can't justice actually be served more often? Ah, if only all the Bushies could be caught doing 100 miles per hour in a Prius on the 5 in Mission Viejo. Maybe then, we can finally see justice served.
Like Lipstick on a Pig: How Santa Ana Is (NOT) Governed
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)
OK, I just can't help it! Since I do live in Santa Ana, I just had to check out Thomas Gordon's latest story on Orange Juice, which follows up on Matt Cunningham's latest story on OC Blog. Now usually, I disagree with these conservative bloggers and their complaints against any and all "big government". However, today I must agree with them on something. The state of our "government" in Santa Ana has devolved into little more than a laughingstock.
Right now, our city suffers from a lack of attention paid to our real crises. In many parts of town, the children must play on the streets because there are no parks nearby. Our neighborhoods continue to reel from the gang violence that's returning to town after a few years' hiatus. Yet unfortunately, our kids don't have many constructive alternatives to gang violence, as the libraries have closed and the after school programs are so few and far between.
Our city is in crisis, but what does the city do about it? Why, they are cracking down on those dangerous, over sized hand-held signs! OK, do you see what I see? Our community is reeling from a lack of opportunity, and Santa Ana wants to go after hand-held signs?! What the hell is wrong with these people?!
Now I know that not everyone in our local government is ignoring our major problems. Fortunately, we do have a few folks like Council Member Michele Martinez who understand where our priorities should be. We should be focusing on reopening our libraries and starting after school programs to give our kids constructive, nonviolent activities to do. We should be focusing on improving the parks that we have, and opening new parks in areas of the city where there are none. And if the city really doesn't have enough money to do all of this, the city should be lobbying our state and federal elected officials to bring our tax dollars home to be out to work in our community.
But wait, I wonder if that's really the case. As Thomas Gordon says today at Orange Juice:
And you know what? All of that is like putting lipstick on a pig. Sure, barking dogs may be annoying and over sized hand-held signs may not be the prettiest things to see on a sidewalk corner and "massage parlors" may be providing more than a back rub. But then again, we have far more pressing concerns than those. We have a city in shambles that needs to be fixed.
When will more people in charge of these things realize that?
OK, I just can't help it! Since I do live in Santa Ana, I just had to check out Thomas Gordon's latest story on Orange Juice, which follows up on Matt Cunningham's latest story on OC Blog. Now usually, I disagree with these conservative bloggers and their complaints against any and all "big government". However, today I must agree with them on something. The state of our "government" in Santa Ana has devolved into little more than a laughingstock.
Right now, our city suffers from a lack of attention paid to our real crises. In many parts of town, the children must play on the streets because there are no parks nearby. Our neighborhoods continue to reel from the gang violence that's returning to town after a few years' hiatus. Yet unfortunately, our kids don't have many constructive alternatives to gang violence, as the libraries have closed and the after school programs are so few and far between.
Our city is in crisis, but what does the city do about it? Why, they are cracking down on those dangerous, over sized hand-held signs! OK, do you see what I see? Our community is reeling from a lack of opportunity, and Santa Ana wants to go after hand-held signs?! What the hell is wrong with these people?!
Now I know that not everyone in our local government is ignoring our major problems. Fortunately, we do have a few folks like Council Member Michele Martinez who understand where our priorities should be. We should be focusing on reopening our libraries and starting after school programs to give our kids constructive, nonviolent activities to do. We should be focusing on improving the parks that we have, and opening new parks in areas of the city where there are none. And if the city really doesn't have enough money to do all of this, the city should be lobbying our state and federal elected officials to bring our tax dollars home to be out to work in our community.
But wait, I wonder if that's really the case. As Thomas Gordon says today at Orange Juice:
Rather than paving the streets, arresting the graffiti vandals or prostitutes and reducing the huge budget deficit, Santa Ana has chosen to paint a new slogan on its water tower, implemented a ban on massage parlors, cracked down on barking dogs and gone after the signs.
After telling us all for years that there is no money in the budget for fixing the blown out streets, we find out that the Bowers and Chamber get Millions of our tax dollars.
We find out that city executive staff gets huge raises while the worker bees struggle to remove graffiti or patch pot holes.
And you know what? All of that is like putting lipstick on a pig. Sure, barking dogs may be annoying and over sized hand-held signs may not be the prettiest things to see on a sidewalk corner and "massage parlors" may be providing more than a back rub. But then again, we have far more pressing concerns than those. We have a city in shambles that needs to be fixed.
When will more people in charge of these things realize that?
Sunday, July 29, 2007
... But Not for Long
OK, that didn't last long. Everyone in the house is awake. Grandma is awake, though she still cocoons herself in a blanket on the sofa. ,y aunt is awake, watching the teevee. My cousin is back, and so is his girlfriend and their son. So now, we have a child screaming, people chattering, the teevee talking, and noise flourishing throughout the house.
And boy do I feel relieved. : )
And boy do I feel relieved. : )
Friday, July 27, 2007
Happy Beach Day
Ah, just what I needed! Hot sun, cool ocean, heated sand... What more could I want? I just LOVE Crystal Cove, and I FINALLY had a chance to go today. Nothing like jumping in the mighty blue Pacific on a sweating hot 94 DEGREE DAY to wash all my troubles away! : )
The Sun Is Out
OK, I'm feeling better now. I see sunshine outside. Ah, the sun! All we need is some more heat, and we have ourselves a perfect midsummer day's dream. Give me a sandy stretch of beach and some nice, sparkling ocean, and I'm a happy camper. : )
Can We Put a Price Tag on Paradise Lost?
Get ready...
... To weep.
... To weep.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
What Did I Tell You About Republicans & Immigration?
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)
My goodness! John and Ken are looking for outrage, but don't know where quite to send it. Peggy Lowe reported at Total Buzz earlier today that the KFI shock jocks were commanding theirdroneslisteners to bombard our lovely Orange County Supervisors with phone calls asking them why they voted to outsource the processing of traffic and other misdemeanor tickets to a company in Tijuana, Mexico.
However what Peggy learned, and John and Ken missed, was that the Supes never voted for this. It turns out that this was a court-approved program, which means that this is the result of a state superior curt decision, and NOT the OC Supes. But don't worry. Chris Norby went on John and Ken today, and the shock jocks are now commanding theirdroneslisteners to direct their obscenity-laced calls to the court. Now ain't that klassy, or what?!
OK, OK, so this IS a real problem. Our personal information is being outsourced to some Mexican company. Should we be outraged? Yes. What should we do about it? As I said earlier, we should rethink our trade policies.
Do I think trade is good? Yes. Do I think globalization can lift the developing world out of poverty AND help our nation continue to prosper? Yes, but ONLY if we do it right. This means that we don't forbid developing nations from subsidizing any of their industries while we continue to subsidize our own mega-corporations. This means that we treat other people in other parts of the world with the same respect that we treat our own people. This means that we respect the natural resources of every nation, not just our own. Oh yes, and this means that we don't allow our mega-corporations to raid other societies' economies and force these people from the developing world to become economic refugees that get labeled as "illegal aliens" as soon as they cross our border looking for a better life.
So John and Ken don't like our misdemeanor tickets being processed in Mexico. OK, neither do I. What can John an Ken actually direct their listeners to do that wouldn't just solve this little problem, but the BIG problems of immigration and the outsourcing of every good American job? How about reforming NAFTA to make North American trade fairer for American workers AND the Mexican people? But will these Republicans ever be interested in constructive solutions that get to the root of the problem? I doubt it.
My goodness! John and Ken are looking for outrage, but don't know where quite to send it. Peggy Lowe reported at Total Buzz earlier today that the KFI shock jocks were commanding their
However what Peggy learned, and John and Ken missed, was that the Supes never voted for this. It turns out that this was a court-approved program, which means that this is the result of a state superior curt decision, and NOT the OC Supes. But don't worry. Chris Norby went on John and Ken today, and the shock jocks are now commanding their
OK, OK, so this IS a real problem. Our personal information is being outsourced to some Mexican company. Should we be outraged? Yes. What should we do about it? As I said earlier, we should rethink our trade policies.
Do I think trade is good? Yes. Do I think globalization can lift the developing world out of poverty AND help our nation continue to prosper? Yes, but ONLY if we do it right. This means that we don't forbid developing nations from subsidizing any of their industries while we continue to subsidize our own mega-corporations. This means that we treat other people in other parts of the world with the same respect that we treat our own people. This means that we respect the natural resources of every nation, not just our own. Oh yes, and this means that we don't allow our mega-corporations to raid other societies' economies and force these people from the developing world to become economic refugees that get labeled as "illegal aliens" as soon as they cross our border looking for a better life.
So John and Ken don't like our misdemeanor tickets being processed in Mexico. OK, neither do I. What can John an Ken actually direct their listeners to do that wouldn't just solve this little problem, but the BIG problems of immigration and the outsourcing of every good American job? How about reforming NAFTA to make North American trade fairer for American workers AND the Mexican people? But will these Republicans ever be interested in constructive solutions that get to the root of the problem? I doubt it.
Who Do YOU Love?
Gila is asking everyone at The Liberal OC for their favorite bloggers. Now we've mostly been talking about Orange County bloggers over there, but you're more than welcome to add your faves for California and the nation. So what are you waiting for? Go to The Liberal OC and tell us who you love! : )
Speeding Our Way to Nonsense on the 241
This is the latest part of my special report on the proposed extension of the 241 Toll Road to San Onofre State Beach (aka Trestles). If you'd like, you can find the other stories in the "Speeding Our Way to Trestles" series on Calitics. As the debate heats up over Trestles and the 241, I'd like to go in depth and examine all the issues involved... And I'd love for you to come along for the ride as we explore what can be done to relieve traffic in South Orange County AND Save Trestles Beach. Enjoy! : )
There are just some things in life we can always count on. Death. Taxes. Another season of "Cops" on Fox. Thousands more poor souls being told that they have no talent on "American Idol" on Fox. Now for me, the one thing in life I can ALWAYS seem to count on these days is complete and utter garbage from Red County/OC Blog on the proposed 241 Extension to Trestles.
So what nonsense is being spun to death at OC Blogland today? Theodore Judah is claiming that some new screed from the San Diego Business Journal is evidence that the evil "eco-extremists" are stonewalling traffic relief for San Diego. Huh?!
Follow me down below as I take out my handy dandy facts once more to debunk the right-wing spin on the toll road to Trestles...
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC and Calitics)
So why is the San Diego Business Journal screaming? Apparently because the "eco-extremists" are making it difficult for them to make that ever-so-important commute from the golf course at Rancho Santa Fe to the yacht in Newport:
Uh-huh. So what is pitting the "self-appointed guardians of the ecology" against the wise wizards of capitalism and captains of industry?
Oh, no! The Davis Amendment is what's stopping progress on the 241 Extension?! Wait a minute! So state law is what's impeding the 241 Extension?
Let's remember what the Davis Amendment is all about. All the House Armed Services Committee voted to approve was an amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill that requires TCA to comply with state law in extending the 241 Toll Road. That's all. As my fabulous Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez explains:
So what's so bad about our democratic process? What's so terrible about obeying the law? Oh wait, is it possibly because TCA knows that their proposed extension violates state law?
I guess they're still afraid of Section 30231 of Article 5 of the Coastal Act...
... And I can see why. ELEVEN THREATENED OR ENDANGERED SPECIES WOULD LOSE THEIR HABITAT FOREVER IF THE TOLL ROAD IS BUILT THROUGH SAN ONOFRE STATE BEACH. San Mateo Creek has been named as one of the nation's most imperiled waterways thanks to the threat of a toll road to run alongside it. This is pristine coastal wilderness that would be destroyed forever if the toll road were to be placed in San Onofre. That's why it's illegal under the Coastal Act.
So why would TCA want to violate state law to build a toll road to Trestles? I don't know. I just know that TCA is attempting to evade the law by pressuring Congressional Republicans to kill the Davis Amendment that would simply require them to obey state law.
OK, then. Why is state law so important? Why should TCA be forced to comply with state environmental law, and find another location to extend the 241 Toll Road? Let's see. Trestles is one of the last best surf spots in California. San Mateo Creek (the watershed that empties into Trestles) is the last unspoiled waterway in California.
Oh, so the environment doesn't really matter here. Well, how about this? EXTENDING THE 241 TO TRESTLES WOULD DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO EASE CONGESTION IN SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY. That's right. I-5 would still be congested, and people will still be stuck in grueling traffic.
So why even go there? We know there are better options available. We know we need a comprehensive solution to congestion, just as OCTA suggested earlier this year. Let's expand Metrolink commuter rail service in South Orange County, and let's add more express bus lines to connect commuters to Metrolink. Let's make our communities throughout Orange County "smart communities" that easily connect to reliable commuter rail lines. And yes, in the mean time, let's extend the 241 to the 5 and the 73 in Laguna Niguel. This alignment would actually connect the 241 to the business centers in Irvine, South Coast Metro, and beyond where people actually need to go.
So enough of the crazy nonsense of OC Blog and the San Diego Business Journal. The 241 can be extended without destroying our natural resources, and without violating state law. Traffic congestion can be relieved in a comprehensive manner that doesn't rely upon more and more roads that hurt us in the long term. We need common sense, which is why our tax dollars need not be wasted on any more of this Toll Road to Trestles Boondoggle.
There are just some things in life we can always count on. Death. Taxes. Another season of "Cops" on Fox. Thousands more poor souls being told that they have no talent on "American Idol" on Fox. Now for me, the one thing in life I can ALWAYS seem to count on these days is complete and utter garbage from Red County/OC Blog on the proposed 241 Extension to Trestles.
So what nonsense is being spun to death at OC Blogland today? Theodore Judah is claiming that some new screed from the San Diego Business Journal is evidence that the evil "eco-extremists" are stonewalling traffic relief for San Diego. Huh?!
Follow me down below as I take out my handy dandy facts once more to debunk the right-wing spin on the toll road to Trestles...
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC and Calitics)
So why is the San Diego Business Journal screaming? Apparently because the "eco-extremists" are making it difficult for them to make that ever-so-important commute from the golf course at Rancho Santa Fe to the yacht in Newport:
Eco-extremists have blocked the forward progress of the toll road at each and every twist and turn of the approval process. They’ve spent a decade keeping the route from becoming a reality.
The issue is an important one … because it pits the self-appointed guardians of the ecology against the rest of us, who are trying to muddle through.
Uh-huh. So what is pitting the "self-appointed guardians of the ecology" against the wise wizards of capitalism and captains of industry?
They argue that construction and placement of the highway so close to the ocean could disrupt wave patterns by changing the underlying contours of the beaches, and hence, ruin the surfing along a long stretch of the beach. [...]
There’s no proof of this, of course. Just speculation.
The latest obstruction comes attached to a defense authorization bill now before Congress that would force the Transportation Corridor Agencies, sponsor of the road, to submit its blueprints before the California Coastal Commission, among other state regulators, for OKs.
Oh, no! The Davis Amendment is what's stopping progress on the 241 Extension?! Wait a minute! So state law is what's impeding the 241 Extension?
Let's remember what the Davis Amendment is all about. All the House Armed Services Committee voted to approve was an amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill that requires TCA to comply with state law in extending the 241 Toll Road. That's all. As my fabulous Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez explains:
What concerns me is that the SR241 be constructed with the same care and attention as [...] other projects. As the law stands now, it permits the "recipient of the easement to construct, operate and maintain [the highway], notwithstanding any provision of state law to the contrary." If the Davis amendment is adopted it means that the impact on the environment will be fully reviewed, and labor will be paid according to prevailing wage law.
I have been told that those involved with the construction of SR241 have observed every state law that applies. If that is the case, then the Davis amendment will have no effect. There is a concern that future state laws will prevent construction of the road for one reason or the other. I share that concern. I remain vigilant so that Orange County can determine which roads are built in our community. Our democratic process will lead to the best solution.
So what's so bad about our democratic process? What's so terrible about obeying the law? Oh wait, is it possibly because TCA knows that their proposed extension violates state law?
I guess they're still afraid of Section 30231 of Article 5 of the Coastal Act...
The biological productivity and the quality of coastal waters, streams, wetlands, estuaries, and lakes appropriate to maintain optimum populations of marine organisms and for the protection of human health shall be maintained and, where feasible, restored through, among other means, minimizing adverse effects of waste water discharges and entrainment, controlling runoff, preventing depletion of ground water supplies and substantial interference with surface water flow, encouraging waste water reclamation, maintaining natural vegetation buffer areas that protect riparian habitats, and minimizing alteration of natural streams.
... And I can see why. ELEVEN THREATENED OR ENDANGERED SPECIES WOULD LOSE THEIR HABITAT FOREVER IF THE TOLL ROAD IS BUILT THROUGH SAN ONOFRE STATE BEACH. San Mateo Creek has been named as one of the nation's most imperiled waterways thanks to the threat of a toll road to run alongside it. This is pristine coastal wilderness that would be destroyed forever if the toll road were to be placed in San Onofre. That's why it's illegal under the Coastal Act.
So why would TCA want to violate state law to build a toll road to Trestles? I don't know. I just know that TCA is attempting to evade the law by pressuring Congressional Republicans to kill the Davis Amendment that would simply require them to obey state law.
OK, then. Why is state law so important? Why should TCA be forced to comply with state environmental law, and find another location to extend the 241 Toll Road? Let's see. Trestles is one of the last best surf spots in California. San Mateo Creek (the watershed that empties into Trestles) is the last unspoiled waterway in California.
Oh, so the environment doesn't really matter here. Well, how about this? EXTENDING THE 241 TO TRESTLES WOULD DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO EASE CONGESTION IN SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY. That's right. I-5 would still be congested, and people will still be stuck in grueling traffic.
So why even go there? We know there are better options available. We know we need a comprehensive solution to congestion, just as OCTA suggested earlier this year. Let's expand Metrolink commuter rail service in South Orange County, and let's add more express bus lines to connect commuters to Metrolink. Let's make our communities throughout Orange County "smart communities" that easily connect to reliable commuter rail lines. And yes, in the mean time, let's extend the 241 to the 5 and the 73 in Laguna Niguel. This alignment would actually connect the 241 to the business centers in Irvine, South Coast Metro, and beyond where people actually need to go.
So enough of the crazy nonsense of OC Blog and the San Diego Business Journal. The 241 can be extended without destroying our natural resources, and without violating state law. Traffic congestion can be relieved in a comprehensive manner that doesn't rely upon more and more roads that hurt us in the long term. We need common sense, which is why our tax dollars need not be wasted on any more of this Toll Road to Trestles Boondoggle.
Republicans Still Don't Get It on Immigration
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)
Oh my! I just looked in The Register this morning, and found this little something about what happened in the Senate yesterday. Apparently, the Republicans wanted to bring up immigration again. And once again, the Republicans had their behinds handed to them.
So what happened? Since Democrats like border security, but NOT impractical “security” measures that don’t do anything, Majority Leader Harry Reid moved to amend the amendment. He proposed adding the “Ag Jobs” provision that would allow migrant workers to work on the farms. But alas, the Reeps couldn’t have anything practical alongside their “punish the immigrants” stunt move. Nothing ultimately passed, and there’s still nothing to show for all the time the US Senate has spent this year on immigration.
So why can’t Republicans understand that a complicated problem like immigration needs a comprehensive solution? Punishing the immigrants and deporting them en masse won’t do anything to solve this problem. Doing something about the corporate employers that illegally hire these people will. And so will fixing the trade policies that have weakened Latin American economies, leading these poor people to flee north out of desperation. But of course, this would mean that all those huge corporate donors to the GOP wouldn’t have cheap labor to exploit both down south and up here. Now could we ever allow for THAT?
So let’s just tell it like it is. The Republicans don’t get it on immigration. They will blame the immigrants for everything, but not actually do something about the corporations causing this crisis. Lame.
Oh my! I just looked in The Register this morning, and found this little something about what happened in the Senate yesterday. Apparently, the Republicans wanted to bring up immigration again. And once again, the Republicans had their behinds handed to them.
So what happened? Since Democrats like border security, but NOT impractical “security” measures that don’t do anything, Majority Leader Harry Reid moved to amend the amendment. He proposed adding the “Ag Jobs” provision that would allow migrant workers to work on the farms. But alas, the Reeps couldn’t have anything practical alongside their “punish the immigrants” stunt move. Nothing ultimately passed, and there’s still nothing to show for all the time the US Senate has spent this year on immigration.
So why can’t Republicans understand that a complicated problem like immigration needs a comprehensive solution? Punishing the immigrants and deporting them en masse won’t do anything to solve this problem. Doing something about the corporate employers that illegally hire these people will. And so will fixing the trade policies that have weakened Latin American economies, leading these poor people to flee north out of desperation. But of course, this would mean that all those huge corporate donors to the GOP wouldn’t have cheap labor to exploit both down south and up here. Now could we ever allow for THAT?
So let’s just tell it like it is. The Republicans don’t get it on immigration. They will blame the immigrants for everything, but not actually do something about the corporations causing this crisis. Lame.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Sleepy Again
OK, now that I told you what I did today, I can tell you how I feel now. I'm feeling sleepy again. I'm tired. So that's it. Good night.
What I Did Today
This is what I did today:
Doesn't it sound like fun? : )
Doesn't it sound like fun? : )
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
And As Grandma Sleeps...
As she sleeps on the sofa, my 4-year-old nephew screams through the house as his parents are visiting. My dad is taking pictures with his cell phone. I'm writing this on my cell phone. And my aunt who's visiting is... Oh, I think she just stepped outside to smoke. And all as Grandma sleeps.
What a fun house.
What a fun house.
Looking into the Living Room
I'm looking into the living room right now. Grandma is sleeping on the sofa. She's sleeping soundly, and silently. So at ease. She is, and so am I.
I think about her often. How many more afternoons on the sofa will I be able to witness? How many more afternoons on the sofa before she can't even walk from her bedroom to the living room sofa? And what happens when I discover that no one lies on the living room sofa any longer? Will the house be the same then?
Enough. I shouldn't disturb the peace of the living room. I must stop looking into the living room, and let Grandma lie on the sofa.
I think about her often. How many more afternoons on the sofa will I be able to witness? How many more afternoons on the sofa before she can't even walk from her bedroom to the living room sofa? And what happens when I discover that no one lies on the living room sofa any longer? Will the house be the same then?
Enough. I shouldn't disturb the peace of the living room. I must stop looking into the living room, and let Grandma lie on the sofa.
More Crazy Heat
We have more crazy heat today. It's hot outside, and the sun's out too. But crap, the clouds are also hanging around. This is the "Arizona Monsoon" that I so dislike. As I sit here and complain about the weather, I wonder. I wonder why I should just shut up and enjoy the sun, or wonder whether more crazy weather is coming.
Should I feel afraid of what's to come?
Should I feel afraid of what's to come?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Crazy Hot
It's hot outside. But the clouds are all around. This is the kind of heat that I despise. I love heat when it comes with sunshine a dry breeze. I don't like humidity. But alas, we're getting the Arizona Monsoon. Crazy weather, or what? And a few crazies out there still try to say that global warming doesn't exist...
What I Learned from DFA Training
The USC extension campus in Irvine is back to normal now. All the Priuses with the gnarly bumper stickers left the parking lot long ago. Life in Orange County has returned to normal, now that DFA Training Academy has moved on to the next location...
Or has it? Now, we have some 110 people who have gone through this training, and know how to make a difference. We have four Congressional candidates who have endured the training, and are ready to rumble (and take down some sleazy Republican incumbents). Ron Shepston in the 42nd District, Bill Hedrick in the 44th District, Hoyt Hilsman in the 26th District, and Michael Wray in the 50th District have now gone through the training, and so have their future teams of activists in their respective areas. Local grassroots groups for Barack Obama, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, and Bill Richardson (OK, and some Nevada staffers for Richardson also trekked down for this!) now know what they need to do to grow and put their grassroots energy to use. And now, local advovacy groups know how to get their message out more effectively.
Follow me down below for more on all the great things we learned, and how we all intend to put them into practice...
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC and Calitics)
So where do we go from here? We can begin putting our plans into action. OK, so some of us may still be working on our plans. One thing that I've learned over the weekend is that we'll never get anywhere if we don't begin with a well-thought-out plan. We need to work on attainable goals, and on a good plan to move us to our goals.
OK, so our goals are in place and our plan is set. Where do we go next? Well, I used to be so afraid of recruiting volunteers. Now I can see how to do it. Fundraising used to scare me. Now I see how this can be done. I just shouldn't be afraid to ask. And I should be more shameless.
OK, I think I need some practice. May I start with you? OK, then. Would you please check out DFA Night School? The night school covers many of the same topics that were covered during last weekend's training. Go over and view the archives if you missed the training, and sign up for the Fall Semester!
And now, here's my next request for you. Can you help our local campaigns and grassroots groups? If you're supporting a candidate and/or cause, the best way to see it happen is to actually get out and make it happen! If you're anywhere near the 42nd District, sign up to help Ron Shepston. If you're anywhere near the 44th District, sign up to help Bill Hedrick. If you're supporting Barack Obama for President in Orange County, join us at Obama OC. If you're supporting John Edwards in San Diego, join San Diego for Edwards. If you're supporting Hillary Clinton in LA, join Angelenos for Hillary. Just get involved in your neighborhood, no matter what specific campaign you're joining. After all, what good is all this information that we just learned if we never use it?
So are you with me here? Can I count on YOU to get active, and practive what you learn? Let's start making our hopes and dreams come true by making a plan of action, and then executing it. : )
Or has it? Now, we have some 110 people who have gone through this training, and know how to make a difference. We have four Congressional candidates who have endured the training, and are ready to rumble (and take down some sleazy Republican incumbents). Ron Shepston in the 42nd District, Bill Hedrick in the 44th District, Hoyt Hilsman in the 26th District, and Michael Wray in the 50th District have now gone through the training, and so have their future teams of activists in their respective areas. Local grassroots groups for Barack Obama, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, and Bill Richardson (OK, and some Nevada staffers for Richardson also trekked down for this!) now know what they need to do to grow and put their grassroots energy to use. And now, local advovacy groups know how to get their message out more effectively.
Follow me down below for more on all the great things we learned, and how we all intend to put them into practice...
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC and Calitics)
So where do we go from here? We can begin putting our plans into action. OK, so some of us may still be working on our plans. One thing that I've learned over the weekend is that we'll never get anywhere if we don't begin with a well-thought-out plan. We need to work on attainable goals, and on a good plan to move us to our goals.
OK, so our goals are in place and our plan is set. Where do we go next? Well, I used to be so afraid of recruiting volunteers. Now I can see how to do it. Fundraising used to scare me. Now I see how this can be done. I just shouldn't be afraid to ask. And I should be more shameless.
OK, I think I need some practice. May I start with you? OK, then. Would you please check out DFA Night School? The night school covers many of the same topics that were covered during last weekend's training. Go over and view the archives if you missed the training, and sign up for the Fall Semester!
And now, here's my next request for you. Can you help our local campaigns and grassroots groups? If you're supporting a candidate and/or cause, the best way to see it happen is to actually get out and make it happen! If you're anywhere near the 42nd District, sign up to help Ron Shepston. If you're anywhere near the 44th District, sign up to help Bill Hedrick. If you're supporting Barack Obama for President in Orange County, join us at Obama OC. If you're supporting John Edwards in San Diego, join San Diego for Edwards. If you're supporting Hillary Clinton in LA, join Angelenos for Hillary. Just get involved in your neighborhood, no matter what specific campaign you're joining. After all, what good is all this information that we just learned if we never use it?
So are you with me here? Can I count on YOU to get active, and practive what you learn? Let's start making our hopes and dreams come true by making a plan of action, and then executing it. : )
Should the Board of Supes Approve a Field Office for Little Saigon?
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)
Peggy Lowe has a good story in today's Register on Janet Nguyen's request for a county service office in Westminster, right in the heart of Little Saigon. Now Janet is claiming that the county needs it in order to better serve the needs of the community in Westminster. She says this new office is there just for good old-fashioned community service.
But not everyone thinks this office is REALLY serving the community...
Chris Norby did raise a valid point that his constituents often must travel farther distances from places like Fullerton and La Habra to get to Santa Ana for county services, and that many of Pat Bates' constituents must travel EVEN FARTHER from Dana Point or San Clemente to reach Santa Ana for county services. If distance is such a problem from Westminster, why shouldn't the county also have service offices in Fullerton or Dana Point? Don't North County and South County also deserve to have their needs met? Or is it just that Chris Norby and Pat Bates don't have to worry about a tough reelection fight next year while Janet Nguyen looks anxiously at all the budding challengers seeking to take her on?
So is Janet really asking for this office in Little Saigon for the good of residents in West County? Is Janet really asking for this office in order to make her reelection just a little easier next year? What do YOU think about Janet Nguyen's request for a county service office in Westminster? And do you think the other Supervisors should approve Janet's request for the new Westminster service office? Is this a good way to help people in need, or is this just a political ploy to fend off possible challengers?
Go ahead. Make my day. Fire away! ;-)
Peggy Lowe has a good story in today's Register on Janet Nguyen's request for a county service office in Westminster, right in the heart of Little Saigon. Now Janet is claiming that the county needs it in order to better serve the needs of the community in Westminster. She says this new office is there just for good old-fashioned community service.
"The needs have always been there but we haven't always been able to meet those needs and concerns, whether it's the Vietnamese population or the Latino community," she said.
But not everyone thinks this office is REALLY serving the community...
Nguyen is proposing a one-year pilot program that will place county staffers in an office in Westminster on a part-time basis at a cost of about $100,000. But when her request came up last week at the board's meeting, it met with resistance from at least two board members who say they don't quite understand just what Nguyen is trying to do and what it means for overall county policy. [...]
What some politicos are wondering privately is if Nguyen wants the office to reach out to a new political powerbase, the Vietnamese community, which became the deciding votes in the taut First District race Nguyen ultimately won by just three votes. Already, Nguyen's Little Saigon rival, Trung Nguyen (no relation), has announced he will challenge her again when she's up for re-election next year.
Chris Norby did raise a valid point that his constituents often must travel farther distances from places like Fullerton and La Habra to get to Santa Ana for county services, and that many of Pat Bates' constituents must travel EVEN FARTHER from Dana Point or San Clemente to reach Santa Ana for county services. If distance is such a problem from Westminster, why shouldn't the county also have service offices in Fullerton or Dana Point? Don't North County and South County also deserve to have their needs met? Or is it just that Chris Norby and Pat Bates don't have to worry about a tough reelection fight next year while Janet Nguyen looks anxiously at all the budding challengers seeking to take her on?
So is Janet really asking for this office in Little Saigon for the good of residents in West County? Is Janet really asking for this office in order to make her reelection just a little easier next year? What do YOU think about Janet Nguyen's request for a county service office in Westminster? And do you think the other Supervisors should approve Janet's request for the new Westminster service office? Is this a good way to help people in need, or is this just a political ploy to fend off possible challengers?
Go ahead. Make my day. Fire away! ;-)
SoCal Grocery Workers Approve New Contract
Phew! The grocery workers didn't even have to strike this time, and yet their holding firm has resulted in a new contract that eliminates the two-tier wage system, guarantees affordable health care for all employees, secures pension benefits, and ensures wage increases for everyone. The OC Register has more on today's great news. : )
Sunday, July 22, 2007
OK, I'm Up...
And I'm feeling OK. I have a busy day ahead. OK, I need to get going on that. 'Til later...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I need to sleep. I'm in bed, but I can't slip in and turn off the lights. OK, my dad's coming in the room and asking me something. I need to go to sleep now. Good night. : )
Feeling Sleepy...
But I can't yet sleep. Have you ever had that feeling? I want to sleep right now, but I can't get myself to turn off the lights and the teevee. Jeez, when can I get myself some shuteye?
Friday, July 20, 2007
Latino-phobe Appointed to Anaheim School Board
Cheese, louise! Aren't there enough bigots trying to shove their hatred down everyone's throat? It looks like Mr. "I Want to Bill Mexico for Us Educating Illegals" is now on the Anaheim School Board. Art Pedroza has more on this nasty development at Orange Juice.
Loch Ness Monster Found...
In Orange County, trying to take away pension benefits from deputy sheriffs who are just trying to keep the county safe. Is that scary or what? Chris Prevatt has more at The Liberal OC.
My Final Plea for DFA Training
Something amazing is happening tomorrow. DFA Campaign Academy is coming to Southern California! Tomorrow, progressive activists from all over Southern California will be coming to Orange County to learn how to win next year and in future elections. And guess what? All of us activists will be learning from the experts who know a thing or two on how to win.
Oh, and here's some more good news. Even though registration for attendance is already at 160 people, DFA is still accepting sign-ups for tomorrow! That's right, even if you haven't signed up yet, you can still come to DFA Training!
So what's happening at DFA Training? Follow me down below for more...
(Cross-posted at Calitics and The Liberal OC, and Daily Kos)
So what's in store for this weekend? Well, why not look at the curriculum to find out?! Learn how to fundraise! Learn how to target voters in your neighborhood with new and imporved online tools ready for you to start using! Learn how to use communicate your message better in your local area! Take advantage of this opportunity to learn all this and more this weekend!
OK, so why exactly is this important? Why should we learn all these campaign stuff, especially if we're not in an area where progressives can win? Actually, that's why we need to all go to the training this weekend! For far too long, many Democrats have written off areas like Orange County and the Inland Empire as "hopelessly Republican". But you know what? We can change this!
Ron Shepston may already be doing this as he's getting his campaign started in the 42nd Congressional District. Now what could possibly be a better way for all of us in Southern California to help Ron out than to go to DFA Campaign Academy and learn how we can convince our neighbors in CA-42 to support Ron? Ron will need people to can take a progressive message, and communicate it in a way that catches the attention of people who may not know much about politics. Ron will need people to help him raise money. Ron will need plenty of help from us if we want to see him win next year, so let's learn how we can make that happen this weekend!
OK, so you're nowhere near Orange County? And you don't live near the 42nd District? That's fine. Please come anyways, as it's also important that you learn how to get Democrats elected and promote the progressive agenda in your neighborhood! Perhaps if you sign up now, you can also still catch a hotel room available if you need one. It's important that we build up Democratic infrastructure everywhere, so let's get started this weekend! Let's go to the training and learn what we need to know to gegin building that infrastructure we need to win!
So who's with me on this? I've already signed up for the training. Have you? Well then, you can still sign up! The training's only $70... That includes lunch for both days and all the workshops you want inside! Oh yes, and this is your chance to meet some of the finest progressive Democrats in the entire region. So what are you waiting for? Sign up to come tomorrow and join the fun! ;-)
Oh, and here's some more good news. Even though registration for attendance is already at 160 people, DFA is still accepting sign-ups for tomorrow! That's right, even if you haven't signed up yet, you can still come to DFA Training!
So what's happening at DFA Training? Follow me down below for more...
(Cross-posted at Calitics and The Liberal OC, and Daily Kos)
So what's in store for this weekend? Well, why not look at the curriculum to find out?! Learn how to fundraise! Learn how to target voters in your neighborhood with new and imporved online tools ready for you to start using! Learn how to use communicate your message better in your local area! Take advantage of this opportunity to learn all this and more this weekend!
OK, so why exactly is this important? Why should we learn all these campaign stuff, especially if we're not in an area where progressives can win? Actually, that's why we need to all go to the training this weekend! For far too long, many Democrats have written off areas like Orange County and the Inland Empire as "hopelessly Republican". But you know what? We can change this!
Ron Shepston may already be doing this as he's getting his campaign started in the 42nd Congressional District. Now what could possibly be a better way for all of us in Southern California to help Ron out than to go to DFA Campaign Academy and learn how we can convince our neighbors in CA-42 to support Ron? Ron will need people to can take a progressive message, and communicate it in a way that catches the attention of people who may not know much about politics. Ron will need people to help him raise money. Ron will need plenty of help from us if we want to see him win next year, so let's learn how we can make that happen this weekend!
OK, so you're nowhere near Orange County? And you don't live near the 42nd District? That's fine. Please come anyways, as it's also important that you learn how to get Democrats elected and promote the progressive agenda in your neighborhood! Perhaps if you sign up now, you can also still catch a hotel room available if you need one. It's important that we build up Democratic infrastructure everywhere, so let's get started this weekend! Let's go to the training and learn what we need to know to gegin building that infrastructure we need to win!
So who's with me on this? I've already signed up for the training. Have you? Well then, you can still sign up! The training's only $70... That includes lunch for both days and all the workshops you want inside! Oh yes, and this is your chance to meet some of the finest progressive Democrats in the entire region. So what are you waiting for? Sign up to come tomorrow and join the fun! ;-)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Good Morning Thursday Random Thoughts
I just had to clean my dad's wound on his upper thigh, and then put a huge bandage on it. It feels bizarre. I want to make sure he's OK. But still, it feels nasty handling someone else's upper thigh... Especially when there's blood coming out.
OK, now I grossed you out. Go back to eating your breakfast. What, you lost your appetite now? Now you know how I feel.
OK, now I grossed you out. Go back to eating your breakfast. What, you lost your appetite now? Now you know how I feel.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
More Ignorance to Enlightenment at Orange Juice
No really, check out Claudio's latest post. Today, he talks about how he became pro-choice and learned to support equal rights for his LGBT friends. It's a great story, no matter what a few stupid right-wing anonymous trolls say over there. So what are you waiting for? Go read Claudio's story and prepare to be blown away! : )
CA-42: Meet the Candidate
In case you missed it, check this out. Now you know who's running to unseat Dirty Gary Miller in the 42nd. There, don't you feel better now? ; )
Come See Barack Obama's Western Regional Field Director at Obama OC!
(Cross-posted at Obama OC and The Liberal OC)
Check this out! It looks like we'll have a VERY SPECIAL GUEST at the next Obama OC meeting next week.
Whoa! Barack Obama's Western Field Director is coming all the way to Orange County, just to meet us?! Wow, this blows my mind away!
So what questions do you have for Buffy? Do you want to know what the Obama Campaign is doing in California? Do you want to know when Barack Obama plans to come back to OC? Do you have specific questions on where Obama stands on the issues? Well, bring your questions and come on down to Laguna Woods Village next Wednesday at 7:00 PM to find out the answers!
We have a strong network of grassroots activists for Obama here in Orange County. This is also a great opportunity for Obama supporters in OC to show just how much support Barack Obama really has in OC. So even if you don't have questions for Buffy, please feel free to come and show your support!
We look forward to seeing you here! ;-)
Check this out! It looks like we'll have a VERY SPECIAL GUEST at the next Obama OC meeting next week.
On July 25th, Obama OC will be hosting Senator Barack Obama’s Western Regional Field Director - Buffy Wicks. This will be a great opportunity for everyone to find out more about the Senator's Campaign. Ms. Wicks will be traveling all the way from Chicago, so let’s make the most of this opportunity to get information directly from a prominent member of the Senator’s staff. Let’s also take this opportunity to show Ms. Wicks how much Orange County supports Barack Obama.
Whoa! Barack Obama's Western Field Director is coming all the way to Orange County, just to meet us?! Wow, this blows my mind away!
So what questions do you have for Buffy? Do you want to know what the Obama Campaign is doing in California? Do you want to know when Barack Obama plans to come back to OC? Do you have specific questions on where Obama stands on the issues? Well, bring your questions and come on down to Laguna Woods Village next Wednesday at 7:00 PM to find out the answers!
We have a strong network of grassroots activists for Obama here in Orange County. This is also a great opportunity for Obama supporters in OC to show just how much support Barack Obama really has in OC. So even if you don't have questions for Buffy, please feel free to come and show your support!
We look forward to seeing you here! ;-)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
OC Board of Supes OKs Medical Marijuana ID Cards
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)
Oh, my goodness! Our lovely Board of Supervisors actually got something right! Peggy Lowe is reporting at Total Buzz that the Supes have agreed in a 4-1 vote to allow the health care agency to begin issuing medical marijuana ID cards to qualified patients with 120 days.
Now I'm VERY pleased to see this happen, as these patients are in dire need of medicine to help them regain their appetite, medicine to help relieve their pain, medicine that helps them live their lives. Oh yes, and if anyone doubts the benefits of medical marijuana, go see the report to the California Legislature. California recognizes the legitimate use of marijuana as medicine, and it's about time that the County of Orange comply with state law.
So I'm glad that the board majority sided with patients and doctors who simply want the best medicinal treatment available. And shame on Janet Nguyen and Tony Rackauckas for putting petty politics above good medicine! Thank goodness that the good medicine finally won the day, and people can safely get the treatment they need.
Oh, my goodness! Our lovely Board of Supervisors actually got something right! Peggy Lowe is reporting at Total Buzz that the Supes have agreed in a 4-1 vote to allow the health care agency to begin issuing medical marijuana ID cards to qualified patients with 120 days.
Now I'm VERY pleased to see this happen, as these patients are in dire need of medicine to help them regain their appetite, medicine to help relieve their pain, medicine that helps them live their lives. Oh yes, and if anyone doubts the benefits of medical marijuana, go see the report to the California Legislature. California recognizes the legitimate use of marijuana as medicine, and it's about time that the County of Orange comply with state law.
So I'm glad that the board majority sided with patients and doctors who simply want the best medicinal treatment available. And shame on Janet Nguyen and Tony Rackauckas for putting petty politics above good medicine! Thank goodness that the good medicine finally won the day, and people can safely get the treatment they need.
CA-42: The Campaign Manager Reveals Himself
I am so honored to present something VERY special here. A friend of mine from that Big Orange place, Major Danby, has a important announcement that he'd like to share with all of us at The Liberal OC... He will be managing the historic netroots-grassroots campaign against Dirty Gary Miller in the 42nd Congressional District! Wow, is that amazing or what??!!
So without further adieu, here's Major Danby, making his BIG announcement at Daily Kos. : )
So without further adieu, here's Major Danby, making his BIG announcement at Daily Kos. : )
Monday, July 16, 2007
"Mexican Bashing" at The OC Register's New Immigration Blog
So much for "exploring the impact... facts and fiction". So far, the commenters there ar stuck in the world of fiction. Who knew that the immigrants are "raping our country"? Go to Orange Juice to get a reality check on the wacko racists "invading" The Register's immigration blog.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
The Case Against Gary Miller, Part 3
For Part 1, go here:
For Part 2, go here:
And if the Democrats in Washington think that Dirty Gary can't get away with his high crimes against the voters of the 42nd Congressional District, why should we?
And guess what! That's where YOU come in. Yesterday, you found out that a blogger will be challenging Dirty Gary in the 42nd. Tomorrow, you'll meet the campaign manager for this special candidate. And on Wednesday, you'll meet this very candidate. And right now, all I can tell you is that this candidate lives in the district, and this candidate actually cares about what's best for the people in this district.
So until then, I rest my case. Gary Miller is guilty of being a corrupt crook who has failed the voters of the 42nd District. And I think we can all take care of his sentence by doing what we can to help this campaign to restore honor and integrity to our Congressional Office! : )
For Part 2, go here:
And if the Democrats in Washington think that Dirty Gary can't get away with his high crimes against the voters of the 42nd Congressional District, why should we?
And guess what! That's where YOU come in. Yesterday, you found out that a blogger will be challenging Dirty Gary in the 42nd. Tomorrow, you'll meet the campaign manager for this special candidate. And on Wednesday, you'll meet this very candidate. And right now, all I can tell you is that this candidate lives in the district, and this candidate actually cares about what's best for the people in this district.
So until then, I rest my case. Gary Miller is guilty of being a corrupt crook who has failed the voters of the 42nd District. And I think we can all take care of his sentence by doing what we can to help this campaign to restore honor and integrity to our Congressional Office! : )
The Case Against Gary Miller, Part 2
For Part 1, go here:
So when did Dirty Gary Miller forget why he's supposed to be in Congress? Doesn't he remember that he's supposed to serve the voters who send him to Washington to represent their interests? Now is it in their interest that Gary Miller abuse "eminent domain land sales" in order to avoid paying the taxes that provide for our national security, our transportation infrastructure, our schools, our parks, and so much more? Is it in their interest that Gary Miller ignore the local needs of the district in order to deliver the desires of out-of-district developers?
What about traffic relief on our freeways? What about helping out our schools in a way that doesn't allow the federal government to take over our schools? What about doing something about the coming climate catastrophe that may not only hurt our businesses, but threaten our very lives? What about ending this failed war in Iraq that has claimed so many of our brave soldiers' lives, and all for our troops to be caught in the midst of someone else's civil war? These are issues that the people in the 42nd District care about, yet these are the issues that Gary Miller ignores as he misuses his power to enrich himself and his developer friends.
So what can be done about this? We can tell all our family, friends, and neighbors about how Gary Miller isn't serving us. I'm doing my part on Trash Dirty Gary, a local blog dedicated to exposing Gary Miller's dirty record AND letting local voters know that we have a better option. And what is this better option? We can replace Gary Miller with someone who actually wants to serve us! There's an election next year, and Dirty Gary thinks he'll get an easy ride, as he's in a "Safe Republican District". But Gary Miller has offended Republicans, Democrats, AND Independents in the district by ignoring our local needs while he enriches himself at taxpayers' expense.
So when did Dirty Gary Miller forget why he's supposed to be in Congress? Doesn't he remember that he's supposed to serve the voters who send him to Washington to represent their interests? Now is it in their interest that Gary Miller abuse "eminent domain land sales" in order to avoid paying the taxes that provide for our national security, our transportation infrastructure, our schools, our parks, and so much more? Is it in their interest that Gary Miller ignore the local needs of the district in order to deliver the desires of out-of-district developers?
What about traffic relief on our freeways? What about helping out our schools in a way that doesn't allow the federal government to take over our schools? What about doing something about the coming climate catastrophe that may not only hurt our businesses, but threaten our very lives? What about ending this failed war in Iraq that has claimed so many of our brave soldiers' lives, and all for our troops to be caught in the midst of someone else's civil war? These are issues that the people in the 42nd District care about, yet these are the issues that Gary Miller ignores as he misuses his power to enrich himself and his developer friends.
So what can be done about this? We can tell all our family, friends, and neighbors about how Gary Miller isn't serving us. I'm doing my part on Trash Dirty Gary, a local blog dedicated to exposing Gary Miller's dirty record AND letting local voters know that we have a better option. And what is this better option? We can replace Gary Miller with someone who actually wants to serve us! There's an election next year, and Dirty Gary thinks he'll get an easy ride, as he's in a "Safe Republican District". But Gary Miller has offended Republicans, Democrats, AND Independents in the district by ignoring our local needs while he enriches himself at taxpayers' expense.
The Case Against Gary Miller, Part 1
Gary Miller is corrupt. We know that. But why should we be working to unseat him? Why should we invest our resources in a "safe red district" and try to turn it blue next year? Why should we think we have a chance to win in the 42nd Congressional District?
You may be surprised by the answers, so follow me after the flip for more...
So why should we be working to unseat him? The best way to answer this question is to answer two other questions. Why should we allow such a corrupt individual to stay in office? And what has Gary Miller done for his constituents that has earned him the privilege of earning our votes for reelection?
Well, let's start by answering the corruption question. He'll skirt the law and evade paying his taxes in order to enrich himself on the taxpayers' dime. Now how's that for someone who's supposed to be such a better patriot than those "America-hating Defeatocrats"?
Oh, and who is Gary Miller really working for in Congress? Looking at all the earmarks he's put into legislation and where he's directing these federal funds, the answer is quite clear. He's bought and paid for by the Lewis Group, a real estate development company in Upland. Whatever the Lewis Group wants, Gary Miller delivers... Even if it calls for money spent in Victorville, which is nowhere near the district! Now why would Gary Miller direct federal funds to one off-ramp in Victorville? Oh yes, that's right... The Lewis Group had a new development right off the 395 in Victorville.
And oh my, look how rewarding all this work has been for Dirty Gary Miller! Look how the Lewis Group has paid him back for all his service. How precious. But you know what? Gary Miller may focus on what's best for his bottom line and the Lewis Group's bottom line, but he's not taking care of what's best for the voters of his own district.
You may be surprised by the answers, so follow me after the flip for more...
So why should we be working to unseat him? The best way to answer this question is to answer two other questions. Why should we allow such a corrupt individual to stay in office? And what has Gary Miller done for his constituents that has earned him the privilege of earning our votes for reelection?
Well, let's start by answering the corruption question. He'll skirt the law and evade paying his taxes in order to enrich himself on the taxpayers' dime. Now how's that for someone who's supposed to be such a better patriot than those "America-hating Defeatocrats"?
Oh, and who is Gary Miller really working for in Congress? Looking at all the earmarks he's put into legislation and where he's directing these federal funds, the answer is quite clear. He's bought and paid for by the Lewis Group, a real estate development company in Upland. Whatever the Lewis Group wants, Gary Miller delivers... Even if it calls for money spent in Victorville, which is nowhere near the district! Now why would Gary Miller direct federal funds to one off-ramp in Victorville? Oh yes, that's right... The Lewis Group had a new development right off the 395 in Victorville.
And oh my, look how rewarding all this work has been for Dirty Gary Miller! Look how the Lewis Group has paid him back for all his service. How precious. But you know what? Gary Miller may focus on what's best for his bottom line and the Lewis Group's bottom line, but he's not taking care of what's best for the voters of his own district.
Nice Day at the Beach
Well, I finally got what I wanted. I was stuck at the beach today, so I figured I might as well enjoy it. I got some not so good news to digest, and then some good news to celebrate, and I was able to deal with both by moving with the rhythm of the waves. Nothing like the ocean to calm me and make me feel better! : )
I See Clouds Outside
And you know how I feel about clouds. It kinda feels warm, but not really hot. It's gloomy. It's dreary. This isn't summer.
Whatever. It's not like it's just been the weather outside that's just been gloomy. It feels dark.
Whatever. It's not like it's just been the weather outside that's just been gloomy. It feels dark.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Love It, Hate It
Isn't technology great? Yes, it's marvelous. Doesn't technology suck? Yes, it's terrible. Isn't it amazing how these things work? Oh, absolutely! Isn't it frustrating how these things never work? Ain't that the truth!
Why don't these gadgets work the way they're supposed to? They're supposed to make our lives so much easier. Don't they? Maybe not when they don't work.
Ah, the joys of today's living.
Why don't these gadgets work the way they're supposed to? They're supposed to make our lives so much easier. Don't they? Maybe not when they don't work.
Ah, the joys of today's living.
In the Theatre
I'm in the theatre right now. I finally have a chance to see a movie before I get working on other stuff. Well, the previews are going now. I'd better turn this off and start enjoying the show! : )
Up Again
OK, I'm awake. I couldn't sleep for long. I'm tossing and turning in bed. I'm kinda grumpy right now, but I'll make sure to turn that frown upside down before I leave the house.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I'm Feeling Hot
No, not THAT hot! I'm burning in here. It still feels warm out here. Even with the fan on in my room, I can hardly sleep. I doubt I could even survive if we were less eco-concious, and we just turned on our AC. I guess it's times like these when I'm not into the heat. As much as I love the heat when I'm at the beach during the day, it's nights like this one that makes me fry in pain.
Slow, Lazy Day
It's hot again. But where am I today? Stuck here, doing work. Haha, silly me. Well, at least things are functioning again. But hey, I'll find some excuse soon to take another day or three off. ; )
Open House at Solorio's Place Tomorrow
In case you haven't noticed, there's a new kid on the block over at The Liberal OC. Yes, believe it or not, I'm there and I'm there to stay. You may have bumped into me before at some other California blog (where I'll still occasionally post stuff), but now I'll also be there to chat with you about what's happening in Orange County.
And now that I've said that, here's something happening in my little corner of OC that I'm pretty excited about. My Assembly Member, Jose Solorio (D-Santa Ana), will be hosting an open house at his district office. He'd like to talk to us locals about what he's doing for us in Sacramento. Oh yes, and here's a good chance for us to ask him about all that legislation he's working on.
Ah, there's so much to talk about! What's happening with health care? What's being done about our gang violence problem in Central OC? What's being done to ensure that OC gets its fair share in parks funds? I know I'm looking forward to talking with Assm. Solorio about what's happening, and if you live in the 69th Assembly District, I hope you can join me for this chance to chat with our local legislator.
Come on and follow me down below for all the details on tomorrow's open house...
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)
The Open House is at Jose Solorio's district office, on Saturday, July 14, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Solorio's office is located at 2400 E. Katella Ave., Suite 640, in Anaheim, just west of the Katella exit off the 57 Freeway. Here's a Google Map of where to go. To RSVP, call his office at (714) 939-8469.
Get it? Got it? Good! Oh, and one more thing: I plan to liveblog from the open house. If you can't make it to the open house, but still want to ask Assm. Solorio a question, please let me know tomorrow morning when I post the open house thread at The Liberal OC. I'll make sure to ask him for you.
So what questions do you have for Jose Solorio? I'm still thinking about mine. Well, at least we'll actually have a chance tomorrow to finally tell our local representative how he should represent us. This really should be happening more often.
And now that I've said that, here's something happening in my little corner of OC that I'm pretty excited about. My Assembly Member, Jose Solorio (D-Santa Ana), will be hosting an open house at his district office. He'd like to talk to us locals about what he's doing for us in Sacramento. Oh yes, and here's a good chance for us to ask him about all that legislation he's working on.
Ah, there's so much to talk about! What's happening with health care? What's being done about our gang violence problem in Central OC? What's being done to ensure that OC gets its fair share in parks funds? I know I'm looking forward to talking with Assm. Solorio about what's happening, and if you live in the 69th Assembly District, I hope you can join me for this chance to chat with our local legislator.
Come on and follow me down below for all the details on tomorrow's open house...
(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC)
The Open House is at Jose Solorio's district office, on Saturday, July 14, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Solorio's office is located at 2400 E. Katella Ave., Suite 640, in Anaheim, just west of the Katella exit off the 57 Freeway. Here's a Google Map of where to go. To RSVP, call his office at (714) 939-8469.
Get it? Got it? Good! Oh, and one more thing: I plan to liveblog from the open house. If you can't make it to the open house, but still want to ask Assm. Solorio a question, please let me know tomorrow morning when I post the open house thread at The Liberal OC. I'll make sure to ask him for you.
So what questions do you have for Jose Solorio? I'm still thinking about mine. Well, at least we'll actually have a chance tomorrow to finally tell our local representative how he should represent us. This really should be happening more often.
Take This Last Chance for DFA Training!
What are you looking to do over the next year or so? Want to organize for universal health care? Want to campaign for your favorite Democratic Presidential Candidate? Want to manage your best friend's campaign for Congress? Want to just know what all your friends at DFA are talking about whenever election time approaches? Whatever you plan to do in politics, you need to learn how to be better at it by joining us at DFA Training Academy on July 21-22 in Irvine!
Oh yes, and I should say this. If you haven't registered yet, this is your last chance to sign up to attend! We're nearing our maximum attendance limit of 150, and the actual training is barely more than a week away. If you're in Southern California and you haven't yet signed up, take this last opportunity to learn how progressives can win, and how YOU can be a part of it!
Follow me down below to find out why you shouldn't pass up on this last chance to learn how to be a force for change in your community...
(Cross-posted at Calitics and The Liberal OC)
So what will we be learning about at DFA Training Academy? Take a look at the curriculum! Learn how to fund raise! Learn how to target voters! Learn how to use the media to your advantage! Find out all the new organizing tools available that are easier than ever to use! And find it all at the training academy!
OK, so there's plenty of serious stuff to learn. How much fun can one have here? Well, plenty! We have a very special social night ready for you on Saturday, the 21st. What do we have planned? Well, sign up for the training and get ready for a pleasant surprise! And oh yes, don't forget how much fun you'll have in meeting new progressive pals from all over Southern California! Who knows? Maybe you'll meet some neighbors who you never thought were also Democrats. ; )
So we have a great curriculum and a great chance to meet fellow local activists. Where the heck can one stay for the night? And what about food? Don't worry. If you're coming in from some far away location like Santa Barbara or San Bernardino or San Diego, there's a hotel room reserved just for you. And lunch is provided for Saturday AND Sunday. But again, this is only available for a limited time!
So what more can you ask for? You have a hotel room (if you need one). You have lunch plans. You have trainers ready to help you become a campaign rock star. And you have a whole lot of progressive activists who want to meet you. What more can you ask for? Take this last chance to sign up for DFA Training!
Trust me, you won't regret it. ; )
Oh yes, and I should say this. If you haven't registered yet, this is your last chance to sign up to attend! We're nearing our maximum attendance limit of 150, and the actual training is barely more than a week away. If you're in Southern California and you haven't yet signed up, take this last opportunity to learn how progressives can win, and how YOU can be a part of it!
Follow me down below to find out why you shouldn't pass up on this last chance to learn how to be a force for change in your community...
(Cross-posted at Calitics and The Liberal OC)
So what will we be learning about at DFA Training Academy? Take a look at the curriculum! Learn how to fund raise! Learn how to target voters! Learn how to use the media to your advantage! Find out all the new organizing tools available that are easier than ever to use! And find it all at the training academy!
OK, so there's plenty of serious stuff to learn. How much fun can one have here? Well, plenty! We have a very special social night ready for you on Saturday, the 21st. What do we have planned? Well, sign up for the training and get ready for a pleasant surprise! And oh yes, don't forget how much fun you'll have in meeting new progressive pals from all over Southern California! Who knows? Maybe you'll meet some neighbors who you never thought were also Democrats. ; )
So we have a great curriculum and a great chance to meet fellow local activists. Where the heck can one stay for the night? And what about food? Don't worry. If you're coming in from some far away location like Santa Barbara or San Bernardino or San Diego, there's a hotel room reserved just for you. And lunch is provided for Saturday AND Sunday. But again, this is only available for a limited time!
So what more can you ask for? You have a hotel room (if you need one). You have lunch plans. You have trainers ready to help you become a campaign rock star. And you have a whole lot of progressive activists who want to meet you. What more can you ask for? Take this last chance to sign up for DFA Training!
Trust me, you won't regret it. ; )
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bush in Denial... Here's What We Can Do About It
(Cross-posted at Obama OC)
OK, I just got this from Obama for America. It's nice to see that Barack Obama is keeping his word on making this campaign about us, and what we can do to change course and restore a sense of hope in this nation. Well, now he's asking us to help out in getting Bush's attention on Iraq. So should we help Barack out in telling George W. Bush that we can't stay the course of disaster with this Iraq Occupation any longer?
Yes, we need to let everyone know that we've had enough, and we can't take any more of this. Let's all write a note. Who knows? It may bring us one letter closer to ending this war.
OK, I just got this from Obama for America. It's nice to see that Barack Obama is keeping his word on making this campaign about us, and what we can do to change course and restore a sense of hope in this nation. Well, now he's asking us to help out in getting Bush's attention on Iraq. So should we help Barack out in telling George W. Bush that we can't stay the course of disaster with this Iraq Occupation any longer?
Dear Andrew,
Al Qaeda has recovered to its pre-September 11th strength, according to an intelligence community estimate revealed today.
Think about that.
Almost six years after 9/11, Osama bin Laden is still alive. His organization is still training terrorists. And he and his associates still have a safe haven in the mountains on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.
Meanwhile, George Bush released his administration's report on the "progress" in Iraq. It's another example of how deep in denial he is about what's really happening. The past three months have been some of the deadliest since the war began, and things are getting worse -- not better.
The war in Iraq should never have been authorized, never have been waged, and it must end now.
Al Qaeda’s resurgence proves that the Iraq war has been a deadly distraction from the real threats we face -- which is why I opposed the war from the beginning.
George Bush just finished a press conference where he tried to tell people that progress is being made in Iraq and against al Qaeda. The press will report his spin and obfuscation -- but you can have an impact on their coverage.
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper right now -- if you act quickly, your letter could be printed alongside tomorrow's coverage.
Our online letters-to-editors tool makes it simple:
Over 250,000 of us have invested in this campaign because we're willing to do everything we can to change this country.
Now is the time to act.
Millions of Americans are hungry for a president who will end the war in Iraq and confront the threats we face with honesty and sound judgment.
They're waiting to hear from you.
Thank you,
Barack Obama
Yes, we need to let everyone know that we've had enough, and we can't take any more of this. Let's all write a note. Who knows? It may bring us one letter closer to ending this war.
R U Hott4Hill?
OK, I can't help it... I just have to show you what recently hit the lovely pages of The Liberal OC! Apparently, Hillary Clinton's online fans are more than ready to one-up Obama Girl. So are you feeling Hott4Hill now? ; )
Sometimes, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. A couple of days ago, I opened up OC Metro to discover a feature article about all the major coastal resorts banding together to "brand the waterfront" as the ultimate luxury destination. And of course while looking for the article, I had to see a full-page ad urging me to "wake up to the waves" and "rest to the setting of the sun" at "Brightwater in Huntington Beach", the new luxury housing development that sits just west of the other luxury housing development that sits atop what's supposed to be protected wetlands. But of course, all this OC coastal luxuriousness mustn't end there. I soon find a big ad telling me of all the decadently luxurious scenery awaiting me at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. No matter where I turn the page in OC Metro, I find all this fabulous luxury. Who would have known that I was living in the lap of luxury here in oh-so-fabulous Orange County?
But wait, does everyone really enjoy the "luxurious lifestyle" in The Land of the OC? Can we afford those new houses sitting dangerously close to protected wetlands? Can we even reach the beach amidst all this development? Can we afford to continue ignoring the dire need for affordable housing in the region? Oh yes, and what about the poor kids who want to go to the beach, but can't thanks to OCTA's refusal to meet the demands of bus drivers who themselves can hardly afford the high cost of living in Orange County?
Follow me down below to explore just how luxurious (or not) life really is...
(Cross-posted at Calitics)
So how good do we have it here? Well, it depends how much of this "good life" one can afford.
Yesterday, the Coastal Commission decided to not decide yet on the proposed Parkside development. Now Shea Homes has been illegally filling in wetlands in order to plop a bunch of multimillion dollar McMansions there. They claim that they need to build these McMansions in order to alleviate the dire need for housing in Orange County. But is this the type of housing that we really need?
Why must all the new housing be these super expensive developments that encroach upon our open space? Why not work on housing near the areas where we all work? Oh yes, and why not work on housing that most of us can actually afford? People aren't really clamoring any more for McMansions that they can't afford. They need something that they CAN afford. Even the Orange County Business Council realizes that if they want to attract new skilled workers to OC, they'll need to show these workers where they can find a house within their budget. We may very well risk a terrible "brain drain" if we don't do something to ensure that our workforce can actually afford to live here.
Disney doesn't want any affordable housing encroaching upon its resort district in Anaheim. They'll do anything, even throw an initiative to "save the resort district" on the ballot, in order to save their plans for some lovely new luxurious timeshare units. But wait, aren't there already plans for future hotels in the area? And don't all these people who work so hard to keep the magic going at Disneyland deserve a decent place to live that isn't so far away from where they work? Must a place for these workers to call home be an unattainable luxury that's always out of reach?
Oh yes, and speaking of out of reach... Why is it allowable that in addition to affordable housing must always be out of reach to us working people, we must also be unable to reach what's supposed to be our open spaces? Just think about all the recent developments that have eaten up our beaches, our hills, and our wetlands. Much of the Dana Point Headlands will soon be filled with overpriced McMansions. Just across the street from Crystal Cove, the old backcountry is now filled with overpriced McMansions. And of course, the Bolsa Chica Wetlands may have some unwanted new neighbors getting a little too close to the wildlife.
But really, why must we be robbed of our housing and our open space? Why must all the housing be built on our open space, and why can't we be able to live within our means? While there will always be mid-level managers who may have received enough of a salary increase to buy one of these McMansions along the coast, nothing's being done to ensure that all the folks who will be policing the new McMansion neighborhoods and providing fire protection for these McMansions and educating the children residing in the McMansions and caring for the seniors residing in the McMansions will have a place to live. Oh yes, and have we even talked about the poor folks who will have to clean the McMansions and the people cooking for the people living in the McMansions? Where the heck do they go?
And what incentive do all these regular folks serving the needs of the people living in the big McMansions to live in such expensive places like Orange County? Why can't we get to the beach? Oh yes, all the McMansions are getting in the way. Oh, and the people living in the McMansions would rather not see bus service in the area.
So is this all just a luxury that we really can't afford? And is the luxurious lifestyle of a few shutting out the desires and necessities of the many residing here? I wonder sometimes.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Good Night
Another busy day comes to an end. Another meeting passes. Another fight is settled. Another wrong is made right. I'm feeling better tonight. Good night. : )
Just Thinking...
I'm supposed to be living in this dream world of "The OC". How the hell can I afford it? These new developments are way out of reach to the 90-something per cent of people who are just looking for a house that fits their budget. Oh yes, and whatever happened to all that open space and all those lovely beaches that make us better than all those dirtier and smoggier parts of SoCal? I guess they're now being filled up with these new McMansions that we can't afford. Cheese louise, when does the madness end?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Ain't Life a B****?
One friend's project nearly fell apart. Another friend can't afford his medicine. Oh yes, and I have to endure a bunch of crazy people in my house. Before I was assured that the first friend's project didn't fall apart, I was ready to pull all my hair out. Well, at least I'l be able to see all my hair on my head tomorrow.
But still, ain't life a b****?
But still, ain't life a b****?
Still Kinda Crappy
Eh. I'm up again, and at least I'm not feeling as crappy as I did yesterday. Now please excuse me as I flip on The Weather Channel to see how long these clouds will be staying here. I don't feel like I did yesterday, but we still have a case of crappy inside-out here.
Monday, July 09, 2007
In Bed Again
I'm tired again. I'm feeling crappy again. OK, so I never stopped feeling crappy today. Maybe tomorrow, I won't have such a hard time getting out of bed. After all, I'll have plenty more reason to be out of bed.
Clouds Outside
I stepped outside my house just before sunset. There were clouds
blanketing the sky. Perhaps one of those wily Arizona Monsoons will land here tomorrow. Or maybe, we're just in for a boring, cloudy day tomorrow.
I just get easily depressed when I see clouds. They're gray. They're
dreary. They block the sun, the warmth, the light. Dammit, I'm
depressing myself even more just talking about them!
Clouds suck. They bring me even more melancholy than I should have. But then again, maybe the clouds outside are telling me of something inside that I don't want to notice.
blanketing the sky. Perhaps one of those wily Arizona Monsoons will land here tomorrow. Or maybe, we're just in for a boring, cloudy day tomorrow.
I just get easily depressed when I see clouds. They're gray. They're
dreary. They block the sun, the warmth, the light. Dammit, I'm
depressing myself even more just talking about them!
Clouds suck. They bring me even more melancholy than I should have. But then again, maybe the clouds outside are telling me of something inside that I don't want to notice.
I'm Having a Hard Time Again...
Staying out of bed, that is. I was woken up quite early this morning, as my visiting uncle was fast wearing out his welcome at the house. Cheese louise, when will people learn to just get along with others? Well, here's to trying to get back out of bed and getting up the right way.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Saturday Night Random Thoughts
I'm sitting in the house right now, wondering what I'll be doing in the near future. I'm wondering where I need to go next week. I'm wondering where I should go from here. I'm wondering what I should do from here on out. I wonder who I should be with from here on out. I guess you can say I'm having an "early life crisis".
And I'm having one on a Saturday night. Does that sound lame or what? I guess I should just shut up and watch the teevee. Oh wait, my favorite show is on! Well, at least I know what I can do now.
No more "early life crisis" until after the Saturday Night Movie on Channel 28... ; )
And I'm having one on a Saturday night. Does that sound lame or what? I guess I should just shut up and watch the teevee. Oh wait, my favorite show is on! Well, at least I know what I can do now.
No more "early life crisis" until after the Saturday Night Movie on Channel 28... ; )
How the Heck Do I Get Around Now?
Read this and weep.
Read this and weep.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Late Night Random Thoughts
OK, I'm tired now. I tried to do something about my wireless problems. I guess the computer will just have to go to the shop on Monday.
Oh yes, and I've been laying out my plans for next week. Ah, plans. OK, I'm all planned out. I'm pooped.
So what's on your mind right now? Mine's just wandering restlessly before it collapses in sleep. OK, the day's over now. Have fun while I knock myself out. ; )
Oh yes, and I've been laying out my plans for next week. Ah, plans. OK, I'm all planned out. I'm pooped.
So what's on your mind right now? Mine's just wandering restlessly before it collapses in sleep. OK, the day's over now. Have fun while I knock myself out. ; )
OK, I'm Up Now.
I dragged myself out of bed. I cooked up some oatmeal, only to add yogurt and chill some swiss oatmeal for later. I have to leave the house soon to try to get my stupid air card fixed. Jeez, why can't electronics just work? Well, as long as my magic Treo keeps working its magic, I can at least be happy that my smart phone is still being smart. ; )
Wow. I've been busy all week, and I guess all of this is finally catching up with me. I'm still in bed right now, and I'm having a little difficulty getting out. Am I being lazy, or am I just pooped beyond all hope?
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I Wish I Could Be Here
A 2003 Recall Candidate Reemerges & A Republican Aspiring for AD 73 Faces Total Recall
Brooke Adams is back. Remember Brooke Adams? OK, so why is this former Gubernatorial candidate speaking out? She doesn't like a certain individual's effort to recall controversial Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey. OK, so what is this all about? Apparently, a "gross violation of ethics"? Need to know more? Go to Total Buzz for all the craziness in Dana Point.
Top 10 Queer OC Cities
Looky, looky here! The Log Cabiners have a new report on the gayest cities in California. They looked at data from the 2000 Census on the number of same-sex couples living in each city. So who's the gayest city in California? West Hollywood, no surprise there. Who's #4 in the state, and #1 in Orange County? Laguna Beach, no surprise there. Who's #2 in Orange County. Aliso Viejo... HUH?! Check out Total Buzz to see the entire Top 10 list. : )
Another Groovy Surf City Independence Day!
History was made again yesterday. Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to Huntington Beach once again for the Fourth of July Parade. And once again, the OC Democrats had a fantastic time being a part of the largest Independence Day celebration west of the Mississippi River. And the party didn't stop when the parade ended, as local activists pitched up tent by the pier to wake up the neighbors, and let them know about the importance of next year's election. All in all, we all had a great time!
Follow me down below as I take you on a tour of the biggest and best party one could be at on the Fourth of July!
(Cross-posted at Obama OC and Calitics)
For twenty-five years, the Democratic Party of Orange County has been a part of the parade. And every year, we continue to delight the crowds with our rockin' music and jubilant marchers. This year's theme of our float was "Opportunity, Diversity, & Freedom", and boy could everyone see all that and more yesterday! We had young Democrats and long-time Democrats who are still young at heart. We had gay Democrats and straight Democrats. We had black Democrats, brown Democrats, and white Democrats. We had Democrats supporting Barack Obama, Democrats supporting John Edwards, Democrats supporting Hillary Clinton, and Democrats supporting other Democratic Candidates for President. And what brought all us Democrats together yesterday was that we're all part of the Democratic Party of Orange County, and that we all stand for the right of working families in Orange County to have that opportunity to succeed.
So who was there yesterday? Here I am (left to right) with our newest OC Democrat Mitch Star, the one & only Mike Lawson of The Liberal OC, and Elizabeth and Jason of Orange County Young Democrats (OCYD).
Here I am with (left to right) Garden Grove City Council Candidate Paul Lucas, Mitch, and Mike.
Here's Former State Senator & Current California Medical Association CEO Joe Dunn with some young Democrats as they prepare for the moment of truth.
Here I am with the great Vern Nelson, the fearless Orange County organizer for Healthcare for All California.
And here's the float in action!
Now all these great Democrats were a part of the parade, but they weren't the only Democrats busy in Surf City! Obama OC laid out some blankets on the beach by the pier, put up a canopy, and got to work registering new voters and letting others in the 'hood know about Barack Obama and the 2008 Election. We had over 30 new registrations yesterday, including a Republican and a Green who switched to Democrat because they've been inspired by Obama. And of course, we had dozens more come on over to our beach party, just to talk to us about the election and show their appreciation of us being out in the community.
OK, so a few of us Obama Girls did manage to get in the parade! ; )
And here's our great booth!
Oh yeah, and could we have possibly held a beach party at a better location than this? : )
Yep, I'd say that yesterday was a huge success for OC Democrats! At the parade, we let the community know that we're 454,000 voters strong and we're making a difference for working families in this county. At the beach party, Obama OC showed the folks by the pier that there are progressives who care enough about changing the same old politics of despair and destruction that we get out in the community and let them know that hope is still here. Now what could be more American than this?
Perhaps a terrific fireworks show? What the heck, why not! ; )
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